Local Area Network and Internet/Wide Area Network topics
This page links to web tools to assist with diagnosing Local Area Network (LAN and WiFi) and Internet/WAN related issues/topics
This includes:
- Local area Network (LAN) issues including Wi-Fi
- bandwidth/speed prediction and measurement
- compliance with standards
- sharing large files
- Internet archive
Category:- Cellular Topics
App Name | Links | App Description | Help | |
Mobile coverage | ![]() |
Using your location - check what mobile networks are available at your location There are only three primarly cellular services in the UK. Each of these is used by a number of secondary mobile service providers and each has their own tariff and level of service. When choosing a mobile service contract you need to select one that uses a prmary network provider that can deliver the bandwidth, and other services, you require to your location. |
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New:-2024-06-16 | Cost: Free |
Category:- Diagnostic Tools
Diagnostic Tools
The items within this section provide tools, and tutorial material, to enable system issues to be diagnosed.
App Name | Links | App Description | Help | |
Internet Down Detector | ![]() |
Reports Internet faults over the country. Helps to identify whether there is a generic fault affecting your internet provider or whether it is local to you. Shows the number of reports received over a period. If there are a large number of reports against the time you had a problem it will show a graph showing reported faults on a timeline. If you are actually experiencing a problem you may need to access this site via an alternative Internet provider e.g. a friend of on a mobile phone. After the fault has ben corrected you will be able to view the history. |
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New:-2024-01-16 | Cost: Free | |||
TCP View | ![]() |
TCPView is the real work horse for detecting if you have been hacked. This program will list all the programs on your computer that are connected to a remote computer or are waiting for a connection. The program will also list all the IP addresses that are connected and even perform reverse DNS on them so that you can get useful information on who is connected. A Microsoft SynsIinternals program |
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New:-2019-01-01 | Cost: Free | |||
Wireshark | ![]() ![]() |
Wireshark is a network sniffing tool that allows you to see the data that is flowing through your network. If you are concerned you are hacked, you can install and use Wireshark to look at the raw TCP/IP packets to see if any nefarious activity is taking place. This is an advanced tool and, while it is safe to use, it can generate VAST amounts of data that can be difficult for a novice to apply the necessary filters to see the "needle in the haystack". |
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New:-2019-01-01 | Cost: Free |
Category:- File sharing
File sharing
Services that enable large files to be shared over the Internet
App Name | Links | App Description | Help | |
PeaZip - File Zip on steroids! | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Comprehensive Zip/Encryption/Splitter program PeaZip is a comprehensive file archive utility. It is effectively a ZIP archive manager but with so much more… It is described in the associated Soroban Guide as a very useful tool to assist in file sharing over the Internet using a file sharing service, WeTransfer. The Guide only covers its installation and use for file sharing, The features that make it so useful for this purpose include:
This description and the associated Soroban Guide only scratch the surface of this very interesting program. There is comprehensive descriptions on their web site. |
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New:-2023-09-10 | Cost: Free | |||
Wetransfer - Large file sharing | ![]() ![]() |
Wetransfer - Sharing large files This service enables large files to be uploaded to the Wetransfer server and then provides a download link that can be shared with other parties by email. Wetransfer requires an account to be created on their site that enables you to control what files you have stored on their server. There is a limit of a total of 2 Gbytes for the free account. Other paid for plans are available. It is easy to manage the data you have stored by logging on to your account. Once the file, or files, have been uploaded via the web interface they can be downloaded by anyone with access to the link. This link can be emailed from the web service or a link can be provided for you to include in an email. The data stored on their server is not secure! It is stored exactly as it is uploaded so be careful about using this service to share any sensitive data. A suggestion would be to encode sensitive data in a password protected zip file before it uploaded and then share the password via a different route with the users who you want to share the data with. |
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New:-2023-08-15 | Cost: Free with optional paid for enhancements |
Category:- Internet tools
Internet Tools
Tools to investigate Internet behaviour/performance or to share data across the Internet
App Name | Links | App Description | Help | |
Broadband Availability | ![]() |
Broadband services available at your location The options are too numerous to elaborate here! You can zoom into your home address and see what is available at that address. This could typically be Fibre to the Premises (or home), Fibre to the cabinet.It also includes cell servicxes tht can provide high speeds it availale at yor location. Select what options you want to investigate. Start perhaps with "Any FTTP provider.." |
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New:-2025-01-06 | Cost: Free | |||
Internet Down Detector | ![]() |
Reports Internet faults over the country. Helps to identify whether there is a generic fault affecting your internet provider or whether it is local to you. Shows the number of reports received over a period. If there are a large number of reports against the time you had a problem it will show a graph showing reported faults on a timeline. If you are actually experiencing a problem you may need to access this site via an alternative Internet provider e.g. a friend of on a mobile phone. After the fault has ben corrected you will be able to view the history. |
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New:-2024-01-16 | Cost: Free | |||
Nmap - a powerful scanning tool | ![]() |
Network/Internet Scanner The link goes to a "news page" that also contains a download link. This has only been tested on Window and is the only version that incldes Zenmap with the friendly GUI! The software package installed from the Windows download link includes a program Zenmap which provides a Windows interface to the underlying NMAP command line program and is the way in which it should be used unless you are very experienced with the underlying product. The tool will perform a number of tests on the link between your computer and the target address. These are all documented in the user documentation which is all online and accessible from the Help menu. To use the program you select an Internet target URL and then select the scan Profile. The default is called "Intense scan". This produces a comprehensive analysis of the path to the server identified by the URL and of the server capabilities. It runs a set of tests between your computer and the server. |
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New:-2023-12-18 | Cost: Free | |||
Ofcom Internet speed checker | ![]() |
Internet advice for consumers This site is provided by the UK telecoms standards body. It gives advice to consumers via this page. The advice incudes advice about broadband speeds and potential improvements you can make. It also provides a speed estimator for your postcode/address. This information is not as detailed as the SamKnows website also listed here but is a good starting point if you are having problems. The additional details given on the SamKnows site is only helpful if you have some understanding of the technology, or know someone who does! |
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New:-2023-09-07 | Cost: Free | |||
Ookla Internet Speed test | ![]() ![]() |
Broadband Speed Test Runs a series of test that measure the performance of your broadband connection.
Upload speed is only important if you are uploading data regularly. The download speed is much more important in most cases unless you are (for example) maintaining a web site and updating the content frequently. If you are having problems run the tests, make a note of the numbers (repeat the tests at different times of day) and if the download speed is significantly different from what your contract with your ISP says then ask them to investigate. These numbers can also assist any network expert help to advise you what action you could take There is also a Soroban Support guide to give more details as to how and when you should use this service |
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New:-2021-09-24 | Cost: Free | |||
Wayback | ![]() |
Internet Archive This site holds an archive of the Internet! It periodically scans websites and when there is any change/update from its previous version it records the change and the date this change was discovered. It shows a timeline for all changes since the site was first recognised by the Wayback service and allows you to select that date and view the site as it was then. It can be interesting to see have the web site evolves! Wayback polls websites periodically so it may not record all changes if they happen frequently. It is not clear how it finds new web sites or how frequently it polls the sites it knows about. Wayback does not appear to archive the files needed to render XML files - he XLST files. It may store the XML files themselves bt this had not been verified. |
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New:-2023-09-22 | Cost: Free - subscription available |
Category:- Local networks
Tools for Investigating Local Network Issues
These tools assist in investigating issues on a Local Area Network including Wifi issues
App Name | Links | App Description | Help | |
iPerf | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The ultimate speed test tool for TCP, UDP and SCTP A tool that can be used to investigate the network connection performance between two computers on a network selecting one of a number of available network protocols. One instance of the program is configured to be the client and the other, on a different computer, is configured to be the server which will respond to the client requests. These are assumed to be on different computers. The program is available for several platforms so, or example, it could be used to test the performance of connections between a Windows PC and a MAC. A link to a tutorial has also been provided. This program requires some knowledge of networking to be able to use it effectively. If in any doubt use the Ask button. |
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New:-2021-11-22 | Cost: Free | |||
Nmap - Local network scanner | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Local Network Scanning Tools A tool that can be used to analyse a local network segment/subnet. Among many functions it can:
This is a comprehensive network scanner. Basic network scanning will identify all devices connected to the local network. It can also be used to identify ports that are open on each device. Basic functions can be performed with little network knowledge. The more advanced functions need support from a network specialist. Use the Ask button if you need assistance. The Linux installer points to a page covering all Linux distributions. Follow the instructions on that page for your specific distribution. |
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New:-2021-10-06 | Cost: Free | |||
TCP View | ![]() |
TCPView is the real work horse for detecting if you have been hacked. This program will list all the programs on your computer that are connected to a remote computer or are waiting for a connection. The program will also list all the IP addresses that are connected and even perform reverse DNS on them so that you can get useful information on who is connected. A Microsoft SynsIinternals program |
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New:-2019-01-01 | Cost: Free | |||
WiFi Analyzer | ![]() ![]() |
Wifi analysis tool This is a free tool (with optional non free add-ons) that will analyse the WiFi networks in you neighbourhood. For most purpose the free version is sufficient. WiFi Analyzer that can monitor both 2.4 Ghz and 5 GHz networks.
Download is from the Windows Store. You need to select your language. It is ONLY available for Windows! There is also a separate link to the "Tutorials" page which gives comprehensive explanations of all asects of how to use the program. This is now my preferred WiFi analyser program for Windows. Note that it sometimes takes LONG time before the initial display appears. Be patient! |
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New:-2023-09-13 | Cost: Free for basic version | |||
Wireless Network Watcher [Nirsoft] | ![]() |
Wireless Network Watcher is a small utility that scans your wireless network and displays the list of all computers and devices that are currently connected to your network. For every computer or device that is connected to your network, the following information is displayed:
You can also export the connected devices list into html/xml/csv/text file, or copy the list to the clipboard and then paste into Excel or other spreadsheet application. |
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New:-2014-06-10 | Cost: Donationware | |||
Wireshark | ![]() ![]() |
Wireshark is a network sniffing tool that allows you to see the data that is flowing through your network. If you are concerned you are hacked, you can install and use Wireshark to look at the raw TCP/IP packets to see if any nefarious activity is taking place. This is an advanced tool and, while it is safe to use, it can generate VAST amounts of data that can be difficult for a novice to apply the necessary filters to see the "needle in the haystack". |
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New:-2019-01-01 | Cost: Free |
Category:- Web site performance
Web Site performance reporting
These links will report on a site's loading times and report when it is below expectations
App Name | Links | App Description | Help | |
GTMetrix - performance test | ![]() |
GTmetrix - Web Site performance analysis A tool that analyses many aspects of web site behaviour. The report can be used to investigate poor download times and suggest ways of improving behaviour. Slow load times can prevent users from using your site. There are metrics on initial page suggesting that if it is too slow (about 2 to 3 seconds) visitors will often give up and go elsewhere. There is a free version and several paid for options. You do need to register. |
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Updated:-2023-01-24 | Cost: Free and paid versions | |||
WebPageTest | ![]() |
Web performance analysis Submit a website URL and receive a report showing an analysis of its behaviour You can create an account and it will then retain results |
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New:-2022-09-06 | Cost: Free and paid for versions |
Category:- Web site topics
Shortened URL processing
Generation of shortened URLs or expanding shortened URLs
Web site HTML5 compliance
These links scan a web page for conformance to HTML 5 standards and report any errors
App Name | Links | App Description | Help | |
HTML 5 Validator | ![]() |
Test Web Site Compliance with HTML 5 Will accept a URL and test the contents of the page for compliance with HTML5 standards If any errors are detected it will normally identify the issue and perhaps even suggest a change. |
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New:-2022-09-07 | Cost: Free | |||
Shortened URLs | ![]() |
Make a long URL much shorter or expand a shortened URL to its orignal full link and then visit the site. While the shortening function makes the URL shorter and hence easier to type it also makes the URL initially annoymous so it cannot be checked be "hovering" the mouse over it. You can choose the Shorten URL or Expand URL fuction. When shortening a URL you can select which shortening server is used. TinyURL, a well known and reliable service, is the default. The chosen shortening service will map the short URL to the full URL and, it should be noted, will store the full URL in its own servers which could be a privacy issue in some cases. |
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New:-2024-06-09 | Cost: Free |
Category:- Wireless
Wireless Network Tools
Most of our local networks now use WiFi to connect to your local router. This is very convenient but there are somtimes unexpected side effects due to the way in which Wireless networks work. These transmit data using radio waves to your router. To do this they require a "channel" - think of tuning in a radio station. This channel is used to send and receive data to your router. In practice however, although the range is limited, all of your neighbours are sharing the same, very limited, range of channels and this can significantly affect your data transfer rate resulting in slow preformance. Although there appear to be 13 channels available on the normal 2.4 Ghz band in practice there are only 3 usable channels available on the most widely used of the two available ranges.
In practice however, although the range is limited, all of your neighbours are sharing the same, very limited, range of channels and this can significantly affect your data transfer rate resulting in slow preformance. Although there appear to be 13 channels available on the normal 2.4 Ghz band in practice there are only 3 usable channels available on the most widely used of the two available ranges. If you have neighbours using the same channel this can slow down the data rate you can achieve.
If you are experiancing interference from neighours using the same channel then, if your router supports it, it is usually better to select the newer 5 Ghz band. This is faster but will not travel so far so is less likely to suffer from interference from neighbours. It will also travel though some building materials better. Note that some of your devices may not support 5 GHz but your router should be able to support BOTH bands simultneously if it does support 5 Ghz.
Tools to monitor or manage wireless networks including fault diagnosis.
App Name | Links | App Description | Help | |
WiFi Analyzer | ![]() ![]() |
Wifi analysis tool This is a free tool (with optional non free add-ons) that will analyse the WiFi networks in you neighbourhood. For most purpose the free version is sufficient. WiFi Analyzer that can monitor both 2.4 Ghz and 5 GHz networks.
Download is from the Windows Store. You need to select your language. It is ONLY available for Windows! There is also a separate link to the "Tutorials" page which gives comprehensive explanations of all asects of how to use the program. This is now my preferred WiFi analyser program for Windows. Note that it sometimes takes LONG time before the initial display appears. Be patient! |
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New:-2023-09-13 | Cost: Free for basic version | |||
Wireless Network Watcher [Nirsoft] | ![]() |
Wireless Network Watcher is a small utility that scans your wireless network and displays the list of all computers and devices that are currently connected to your network. For every computer or device that is connected to your network, the following information is displayed:
You can also export the connected devices list into html/xml/csv/text file, or copy the list to the clipboard and then paste into Excel or other spreadsheet application. |
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New:-2014-06-10 | Cost: Donationware |
Category:- You have a fault
What can you do, what are your rights?
The items in this section describe what your rights are if you have issues
App Name | Links | App Description | Help | |
Internet Down Detector | ![]() |
Reports Internet faults over the country. Helps to identify whether there is a generic fault affecting your internet provider or whether it is local to you. Shows the number of reports received over a period. If there are a large number of reports against the time you had a problem it will show a graph showing reported faults on a timeline. If you are actually experiencing a problem you may need to access this site via an alternative Internet provider e.g. a friend of on a mobile phone. After the fault has ben corrected you will be able to view the history. |
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New:-2024-01-16 | Cost: Free | |||
You have problems with your Internet | ![]() |
You have an Internet or telephone problem - what are your rights? |
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Updated:-2024-06-12 | Cost: Free |