What is this site for?

Sharing information

John Steele worked in IT as intially a hardware disigner,then lead a team writng an Operating System from 1963 and finally as a consultent on network and system security until he retired at the end of 2018. Over many yeas he has collected many IT related programs and tutorials, of interest to himself and perhaps helpful to you, over the years and which are shared on this website. Other items have been contributed by friends. All programs listed and all documents, hosted on this site, are (unless otherwise stated) free to access for non commercial use – see individual copyright notices. Suggestions and corrections are welcomed!

John has also created a number of technical support documents and given presentations on many aspects of computer technology over the years to interested local groups. His most recent documents and presentations are available on this site in the hope that they are useful to others. Further documents are regularly added and suggestions for further guides (or even contributions) are welcomed and should be submitted to John for consideration.

Finally John has also summarised his extensive industry experience spanning over 50 years, and provided links to video interviews that have been recorded, that cover his career and described some of his memorable projects in some detail.

How to use this site

Many links to external sites for programs, and other technical information, have been collated under a number of categories and are accessed via the menus in the page header so they can easily be found. Most are free but where there is a charge this is noted (the information given was believed to be correct when the item was listed but may have changed). The content is reviewed and updated where necessary. The structure of these menus also is evolving so if you can't find something it may have moved – just ask if you need help.

The menus at the top of the page each contain pull-down lists leading to sub-topics. It is hoped that these are self explanatory. They currently include links to:


Comments, suggestions, or contributions are welcomed. Contact can be made via email using the Menu John Steele → Contact John

Updated 5 Jul 2024